> 文章列表 > 北京春节前还有庙会吗英语



关于庙会汉译英请把这段话翻译成英文,“庙会是春节期间必不可少的文化活动,我们不仅能品尝当地的美食,还能欣赏到各种传统表演和民俗活动。庙会上还会有各种摊位和游乐设施,给人们带来欢乐和娱乐。” - ZOL问答

The temple fair is an indispensable cultural activity during the Spring Festival. Not only can we taste local delicacies, but we can also enjoy various traditional performances and folk activities. The temple fair also features various stalls and amusement facilities, bringing joy and entertainment to people.

英语翻译“北京”翻译成正式(formal)的英语怎么写?是Beijing还是Peking? - ZOL问答

Beijing is the formal translation of \"北京\" in English. It is commonly used and recognized internationally. The alternative transliteration \"Peking\" was used in the past, but \"Beijing\" is now the preferred term.

北京过年很热闹,有好多庙会可以逛.”这句用英语怎么译? - ZOL问答

Beijing is very lively during the Spring Festival, and there are many temple fairs to visit. It is a vibrant and festive time in the city.

用英文列出一些中国传统文化习俗,例如京剧脸谱、中国武术、中国剪纸等等。 - ZOL问答

Here are some examples of Chinese traditional cultural customs: Beijing Opera facial type/facial make-up, Chinese kung fu, Chinese martial arts, Chinese paper-cutting, and many more. These cultural practices showcase the rich heritage and artistic traditions of China.

北京的英语怎么说? - 作业

The English translation for \"北京\" is \"Beijing.\" This is the currently official and widely accepted term. The previous transliteration \"Peking\" may still be used for certain traditional names, such as Peking University and Peking duck.

英语翻译翻译题:1.团年饭:2.逛庙会:3.拜年4.吃年饭超急! - 作业帮

1. Family reunion dinner 2. Stroll around the temple fair 3. Pay New Year\'s visit/greetings 4. Have the New Year\'s meal. These are the English translations for the given phrases related to Chinese New Year. Each phrase represents a unique cultural practice during the festive season.

\"北京\"用英语怎么说北京用英语是Beijing还是Peking? - 作业帮

The English translation for \"北京\" is \"Beijing.\" This is the widely accepted and official term. \"Peking\" is only used in a few specific names like \"Peking Duck,\" \"Peking Opera,\" and \"Peking University.\"

英语怎么讲春节? - 懂得

The English translation for \"春节\" is \"Chinese New Year\" or \"Spring Festival.\" These terms represent the traditional and cultural celebration that takes place in China during the Lunar New Year.

春节用英语怎么说??? - 懂得

The English translation for \"春节\" is \"Spring Festival.\" For example, we can say, \"Today we are all together for the Spring Festival\" to denote the gathering and celebration during this festive occasion.

春节的英文怎么写? - 作业帮

The English translation for \"春节\" is \"Spring Festival\" or \"Chinese New Year.\" Both terms are proper nouns and should be capitalized. The phrase \"the Spring Festival\" is also commonly used to refer to this important holiday in China.